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The three dimesion and honeycomb appearance cell structure provides space for embankment material filled.


ProCell is a three-dimensional cellular system used in various applications such as permanent erosion control, soil reinforcement, landscape appearance, and retaining structures. These lightweight structures stand out for their high tensile strength, making them strong and reliable. ProCell's cellular system structures are manufactured by composing polyester/polyamide alloys with PE (Neoloy®). Thanks to this special design, ProCell can be produced in different strengths and thicknesses, providing an effective solution for a wide range of applications.

Erosion Control

Honeycomb appearance cell structure

Cellular systems are widely preferred among geosynthetic products with multi-purpose usage. For the recent years, cellular systems have been used in our country due to the suitable for a very wide range of applications in the construction industry. The three dimesion and honeycomb appearance cell structure provides space for embankment material filled. They have tensile strength so eliminate the necessity of the filling used in it to be qualified filling according to the project requirements.


Properties / Features

  • No need for additional geogrid material for soil reinforcement due to their three-dimensional structures



  • Depending on the use, there may not be a need for specialized fill material, resulting in savings on fill material





  • When used to prevent slope erosion, there is no need for additional hydroseeding; natural vegetation can be achieved by filling with topsoil



  • Its three-dimensional structure prevents the fill material from being affected by hydraulic changes






Geomas USA

is a member of Izomas Group of Companies IZOMAS

Izomas Group of Companies has been continuing its engineering activities by
offering technological, economic, environmentalist and long-lasting products and systems to the market in infrastructure and superstructure projects since its foundation in 1974.

As a result of considered important to R&D and the country's economy, Özarı Tekstil established in 2003 and Geomas Geokomposite established in 2009 have been starting to direct the civil and geotechnical engineering with a large number of geosynthetic products in according to international standards. In addition, the company continues to design, sell and marketing the geosynthetic products such as Geogrid, Geomembrane and Polymer Fiber which are produced by partner companies of Izomas Group of Companies worldwide.

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