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EnkaD Tüp FLEX


EnkaD Tüp FLEX

Geosynthetic tube is a dewatering pipes with high strength fabric. Geosynthetic tube is produced from polypropylene (PP) and polyetylene (PE) with has filtration feature. Geosynthetic tube is available different type depend on the purpose of usage and can provide the significant volume reduction.


EnkaD Tube Flex is highly permeable fabrics. EnkaD Tube Flex provides rapid exit of the liquid contained in the mulch material. They are geosynthetic tube materials used in low height pumps.


Provide dewatering

Geosynthetic tube is known as dewatering pipe with high strength fabric. Geosynthetic tube is produced from the composition of pur polypropylene (PP) and polyetylene (PE) raw materials, have different weaving types and permeability depends on the materail to be filled. Depending on the material to be dewatering, the different types are available according to the pump volume. They are frequently preferred in projects large scale waste water management, lake and pond structures, industrial structures, agriculture, paper and cellulose plants.


Properties / Features

  • They ensure the rapid drainage of the liquid contained within the material



  • Very easy transportation



  • Prevents storage space losses in storage areas




  • It enables clean and safe transportation of waste to the disposal area



  • Significant reduction in carbon footprint is achieved compared to conventional methods



  • It significantly reduces the volume of pumped material






Geomas USA

is a member of Izomas Group of Companies IZOMAS

Izomas Group of Companies has been continuing its engineering activities by
offering technological, economic, environmentalist and long-lasting products and systems to the market in infrastructure and superstructure projects since its foundation in 1974.

As a result of considered important to R&D and the country's economy, Özarı Tekstil established in 2003 and Geomas Geokomposite established in 2009 have been starting to direct the civil and geotechnical engineering with a large number of geosynthetic products in according to international standards. In addition, the company continues to design, sell and marketing the geosynthetic products such as Geogrid, Geomembrane and Polymer Fiber which are produced by partner companies of Izomas Group of Companies worldwide.

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